Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Beauty of Remaining in His Love
First, some of you are probably wondering how the "I Admire You" dinner went a few weeks ago. For those of you that didn't know about home church, North-Mar from Warren, Ohio, decided that they wanted to come down and have a dinner for my kids. The goal was to increase parent communications and to just show the love of Jesus. Parent involvement is a difficult thing in McDowell. Often no matter how well things are planned, the number of parents is low. My little faith had me doubting that parents would come. I kept praying that this would be different. In class, I had my kids write letters to their person that they invited about why they admire them. The letters were amazing and so heart warming. They took these very seriously, and I was so proud of them. I knew that the parents/adults that were invited would be touched if they showed up. Well, Thursday rolled around and I had a wonderful response from the parent forms and the kids themselves...however, I still doubted that they would come that night. About an hour before school let out, the 7 people from North-Mar arrived, and they came to my class. They read the "Candy Cane Story" to the kids which was an awesome way to share about the love of Jesus. Then, the kids who wanted to read their letters aloud did for extra practice. We ended the day with a fun game of "Down by the Banks" (a hand game that is a favorite in our class). The kids were super hyped up, and I knew right away that God was in this and that He was going to blow us all away. Every little detail of the day came together, and by 5:45PM, there were several kids waiting to get in the cafeteria for the dinner that began at 6:30PM. Out of 26 kids, 23 of them plus their special guest of honor showed up. The cafeteria was packed, and everyone was happy to be there. The response from the adults was amazing and so encouraging. As a teacher, I feel like there is sometimes a wall between parents and I. This wall was broken as parents were touched and reached. Many came up to hug me, and there were smiles everywhere. Honestly, I was overwhelmed by how God used North-Mar to bridge this gap. Every prayer was answered in the fullest and overflowing. Thank You, Jesus. After three weeks, I still am so excited about this! Not only did this help with parent communication, but it also showed my kids that there are people in this world that have love and joy. Many comments were made from my kids such as, "Miss Marshall, your friends are all nice. They are such happy people." Even though there was no preaching, I am positive that many kids knew that this love and joy was from the almighty God! He is so good! Thank you North-Mar and thank You, Jesus!!!
As far as my classroom...things are still going fairly well. I am loving teaching still, and God is working so much in my relationships with the staff. This past month has been somewhat difficult for me as I have dealt with selfishness and uncontentment; however, I have also seen my heart finally feel at home with my school. It is a great feeling. The selfishness and uncontentment are still a work in progress. I get discouraged so many days and wonder what I am doing here. I still miss my family like crazy. Most of all, I feel alone here. I know that my Jesus is here at all times! THANK YOU! As a person who loves to be face to face and in close proximity to those I love, this year has just been difficult. I miss hugs from the people I love and having the opportunity to have coffee dates and heart to hearts with friends. Also, God has opened and shut a few doors. They have been difficult at times to deal with, but He has reminded me again that He alone is God. I just need to be still. The other day I was having a huge pity party for myself. I was out of the Word for a few days, and I just was sad at my circumstances and basically....just ridiculous. Then, my mother who always brings me back to God's truth...reminded me of my God. How can I doubt a God who knows my name and who sees every tear I cry? He is the one that has given me my passions in life that I long to serve Him with. So, why would I doubt that He has the best plans for me? It is ridiculous to even think of doubting Him. But I unfortunately do at times. I hate that.
In the midst of my pity party, Jesus brought me to John 15. This is one of my favorite passages. This is the chapter that Jesus tells about the vine and the branch. He tells us that any branch that does not produce fruit is cut off of the vine because it is no good. Just when you feel like you could be that branch and feel hopeless, He says, "every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." (vs. 2). Notice He doesn't say that some branches get pruned...EVERY branch. The key to these fruitful branches is that they "remain" in the vine. There isn't a miracle fruit. It is a process of dedication and discipline. It is painful and uncertain at the moment. But we know the end result. It is something delightful and pure. That is what I want to be to my Jesus. I want to remain in His love that is so deep and overflowing. Then, Jesus tells us that when we remain in Him and produce fruits in our lives, we are in touch with Him. At this point, we may ask the Father for whatever we want. He longs to give us the desires of our hearts. If my desire is to serve Him with all of my heart, don't you think that He is capable of giving me the things I need to serve Him? Of course! Vs. 8 is awesome, "This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to by my disciples." Wow. He doesn't want bruised fruit that is only looking for a free pass to heaven. He wants beautiful fruit that makes His glory shine through our lives as disciples on daily basis. In verse 11 He tells us that this is the secret to our joy...that we must remain in His love. It is easy to see why I was on my pity party once reading this.
The passage's ending is the best part...."I have no longer called you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you FRIENDS, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit- fruit that will last." (vs. 15-16) Our God has called us to be pruned through life's challenges and painful circumstances that come and go. He has done this so that we can experience His love that overflows into our lives, producing indescribable joy as our best friend. This joy and love has no other choice but to spread to others so they can be called FRIEND. We have all we need because we have been given the Word of God.
As I reflect on this, I am amazed at the love of God for me. I have felt his pruning in my life and hurts. I sometimes get lost in the pain and the current feeling. However, my God has such greater plans for me than that moment. He will keep pruning me till I am perfect in His eyes...till I can be fully used for His glory. And best of all, even during the pruning and the selfishness and pain, He still calls me friend.
Yeah, I was right when I said that this would be a long update. I hope that my ramblings are clear and maybe encouraging to you today. If you feel like your life doesn't make sense and that things are just plain hard right have a friend that is making you be the most beautiful person that you can be. Remain in His love today and forever.
Please pray for me that I would continue to be pruned to be the woman that my Jesus wants me to be. Also, please pray for me to remember to be still before my God as He makes His will for me clear. There are a lot of things on my heart with next year, and I just need His clarity. I don't want to live a life that is for me. I may think that I do at times and even start to act like it. But in the depths of my heart, I know that I want my life to be His and for His glory.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
This Thanksgiving means more to me than usual for some reason. I think that the older I get, the more I realize how blessed I am on a day to day basis and as a person. In an effort to thank the Lord for the many blessings of my life, I have decided to do a yearly list of things that I am thankful for…starting now. In case you don't know this about me...I LOVE lists! This one was even better than normal! :) I think that it will be really neat to look back several years from now and to see how God is faithful in my individual life past, present, and future. I also want to take this time to thank each one of you for loving me through your prayers, following my blog, cards, phone calls, emails, hugs, and just knowing that you care. I am thankful for YOU!
2010 Thankful List (in no particular order):
-My Bible and the truths that have penetrated my heart
-Psalm 46:10- “Be still and know that I am God!”
-A Bible-believing church to worship at freely
-Mom (for always being my best friend)
-Dad (for always making me feel valued and special)
-Eddie (for always lending an ear and giving me advice)
-Brian (for always making me laugh)
-Dylan (for always making me smile like no one else and for sweet kisses)
-Nicole (Eddie’s girlfriend of a year that has been a great addition to our family)
-Grandma and Gramps
-A car that is not only dependable but also one that I am proud to drive
-Safety on crazy mountain roads
-A job that allows me to pay my bills and be able to enjoy the small things in life
-Weekends to relax and rejuvenate
-Writing (journals, books, blogs, etc.)
-Getting to experience
-The wedding of precious friends, Dauthan and Amanda, and the joyful surrounding of sweet friendship.
-Phone calls from friends that miss me
-Emails from churches and people saying that they are praying for me and my ministry
-The start of Young Life
-A summer where I was able to spend tons of time with my precious Dylan
-My trip to
-My education from
-A roommate that has similar passions for Jesus and the world
-Friends from
-The words, “I love you”
-Music (“Our God” by Chris Tomlin has become a new favorite this year)
-The 26 smiles that teach me as I teach them each day
-For healing of my heart and the freedom that comes with letting things go
-The feeling of trust
-roller coasters
-Deep conversations where heart-to-hearts can occur
-New friendships
This list is in no way complete…but it is a start.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Too Excited to Blog
First of all, thank you so much for those of you who have been praying. Do you ever feel like God's blessing are just flowing over you? That is how I have felt, and I know that part of that is because of your prayers. This past month I don't think I have ever been so humbled by the work of God. Through random churches saying that they are praying for me, getting checks in the mail for school supplies, to my home church letting me know that they want to partner with me....I have felt incredibly loved. God has used these people to show me a glimpse into His plan for my ministry here in McDowell. Most of all, He has shown me that His plan is so much more than I can imagine! It seems like all of the sudden the flood doors have opened. I'm holding on and cannot stop smiling as I know it is God!!!
Well, besides encouragement, I have been really excited about the opportunities of involvement that God has brought my way. In school I have made some great relationships now with many teachers and have been able to share my faith. Also, I have started to really bond with my students and to be able to see some progress in their learning which is super exciting. Outside of school, I joined Kiwanis with my roommate. I'm now a pinned, official member! :) For those of you who don't know, this is a service volunteer club that does a ton for the community. I feel like it is a wonderful way to not only serve War, but also to build relationships with community members.
And one of the most exciting things...YOUNG LIFE! I should first back up...when I came a year ago (exactly today), I started praying about the ministry that God wanted me to be involved in. I really was overwhelmed by all the different options, so I decided just to wait and pray till the Lord lead me. Well, this year I have felt like Moses at the Red Sea when God says, "What are you waiting for? Go!" I know that the Lord has brought me here for two years and for a reason. The entire time I've been here, I have been very burdened for the high schoolers. With churches that are barely surviving, kids their age do not have a lot of healthy options...let alone an opportunity to really grow in their faith. So, I presented the idea of a "Coffee House Ministry" to Dan and Laura. They were both very much on board and felt a similar burden for these kids. At that point, we gave it to God and prayed that He would lead us as we started something like this. One thing led to another, and now I am thrilled to say that God willing, we will be starting Young Life ministry here in War by the first of January. God has so intricately worked out every step and the people in our path...especially the WV Director of Young Life. Please be praying as we continue to seek God in this exciting adventure. We are still praying about a location. Also, please pray that God will open up the hearts of those we work with and that we would continue to let the details to Him as we minister to these kids.
As you can imagine, I'm basically beyond excitement. I am feeling so amazingly blessed at the outpouring of God's love on me. I wanted to share this with all of you. I hope that God shows His face clear to you and that today you are reminded how great His love is for you!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
No More Excuses
Yesterday when reading Oswald Chambers', My Utmost for His Highest, I felt extremely convicted and awakened. The passage of focus was Luke 9:51-62.
Basically, Jesus was heading to Jerusalem...close to the time that He was going to be crucified. He, James, and John were going through Samaritan villages (where there was a lot of tension at the time). The Samaritans didn't treat them well and James asked Jesus if He wanted him to bring down fire. Man...don't we feel like that sometimes? Lord, send some fire on that person or that situation because I don't want to deal with it anymore! I do.
As they walked further down the road, they came into contact with three different me. The first man said that he wanted to follow Jesus..."I will follow you wherever you go." (vs.57). Jesus knew his heart and basically was cold to him. At the first glimpse my tendency is to think that this is cruel and undeserving. However, God knew this man's heart. He knew that his intentions were not pure. Jesus requires more than lip service. The second man Jesus asked him to follow Him. He replied, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." The Lord responds again rather harsh and says to forget that and to do work for the Kingdom. The third man says, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back ans say good-by to my family." Jesus responds..."No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." WOW.
I find that I can relate to all of these men.
The first many times have I said that I would do something but not had the right spirit or impure motives? The work of the Lord must be for His purpose and glory.
The second and third men....both give excuses. A father's death (or terminal sickness) and saying goodbye to family...valid excuses I think. Again Jesus knew their hearts. Maybe they did have the right motives, but maybe they were scared to take that next step. They didn't think that were ready. I feel that way a lot...and sometimes I don't realize that it is an excuse.
After reflecting on this passage, I started to think about the excuses that I have or am currently using from proclaiming the Kingdom. "I'm just a new teacher and trying to understand things still." "I love my family and shouldn't have to miss them so much. It must mean that I should live closer to home." "I am single and don't have anyone down here to help me. I'll do fill in the blank when I have a partner in ministry." "I probably need to finish my masters program before I worry about anything else." And my list goes on and on.
This passage opened my eyes really wide because Jesus is not messing around. When He calls us by name...we better listen and drop everything else. Does that mean that we should ditch the responsibilities that God has entrusted us But...we cannot use them as excuses. He has NO tolerance for excuses. If you have some time, read over this passage. There is a lot to it. And figure out what God is calling you to! Also, I encourage you to think about the excuses that you are making in life...even if they seem like really great things. They are there.
So...on a lighter note...
My class is still going super well. God has been great to give me patience and wisdom on how to start this year since I was very hesitant with my experience last year. Please continue to pray that my kids will see Jesus in me on a daily basis. Also, I have really started to connect with some of the teachers and look forward to continuing those relationships and sharing Jesus.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Do You Ever...
The past few weeks that I have been back in West Virginia have been some of the most difficult weeks of my life...feeling so alone and confused about what God is doing. I keep asking Him to show His face and have felt so distant from even Him. However, this weekend was absolutely wonderful. The only way that I can describe how I feel is like a fountain...bursting. Today at church God spoke clearly truth into my much that my head is spinning. I am overjoyed and so thankful. I can honestly say that I am refreshed.
There are so many things in my life that I am sick of. me. I am always worried about myself, and I am so quick to forget the big picture. I have been reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan off and on. Chan makes the point that if we truly understood God's love for us and His holiness...we would have no other choice but to serve Him with our whole being. The problem is that we let life get in the way and make excuses. Man am I guilty of this.
There are so many things that I want.
I want so much to live each day like it is my last day and be joyful in ALL that God brings. I want to constantly be speaking words of truth into other people's life instead of worrying about my own emotions. I want to think of others lives as more important than mine. I want to feel the urgency of the Gospel. I want to love people enough that I am willing to use my entire life to see them accept the gift of eternal life. I want to care about myself being successful not to the world but in the eyes of my Father. I want to not "want"....but know that the Lord is my shepherd and that He gives me everything that I need to be content in this life. Most of all, I want Jesus to be glorified in me.
These are my prayers. It isn't going to be easy. But God is up to something, and I know that He is bigger than me.
"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."
--Joshua 1:8
Monday, September 6, 2010
A few hours ago, I returned back to War from a wonderful Labor Day weekend at home. My entire family was home (including my little Dylan). It was perfect with lots of laughter, fair food, and family time. Not only was it a long weekend, but the Canfield Fair, Ohio's largest fair, was going on. There is nothing like it, and it was wonderful to enjoy a great family tradition with all of my family. I also got to spend some time with my grandparents on my Gramps's 78th birthday. I am so greatly blessed to have each one of these people in my life. I love you!
Well, a quick school update...
Things are going really well! :) I have seen a huge difference in myself as a teacher this year, so I think that I am learning which is good. Also, it has been great to start the year with my kids. Talking is a huge problem...but talking I can deal with! :) Since it is so late, I will end with a funny story from the week.
In the hallway while in the bathroom line, two of my girls started talking to me. One of them said, "Miss Marshall, do you have any babies?" Oh great I thought, here we go again..."No." Then, she said of course, "do you have any husbands?" Again, "No." Then, she said what comes next, "do you have a boyfriend?" Again, staying patient, I smiled and said "No." The other little girl took this all in and finally bursted out, "Well, you sure look like a woman that has a husband and kids." Wondering what this meant while laughing, I asked her, "So what does a women that has a husband and kids look like?" She proceeded to tell me, "You know...she is a tall woman...and...she has a nice smile. And that is you." So, there you go. :)
Please continue to pray for this transition. For some reason I am still having a difficult time being back. Seeing my family this week was refreshing and also extremely difficult to leave again. Part of this I am sure is being at a new school and having a new class. I am praying that God would give me contentment in my heart and a joy each day to do all that He has in store. There are many new possibilities for ministries this year that I will talk about in another I want to be ready to be His hands and feet. Thanks for reading and for praying! :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
First Day
Today was all that I wanted it to be...and I'm thanking the Lord. It looks like this year is going to be a wonderful one. There are a few talkers in my class...but I can deal with talkers. My 26 kiddos seem like a positive and meshed group.
So, highlights of the day...
-"Wow! You have nice teeth." --one of my little girls
-A girl puked because she had a headache. This was a first for me...and I almost puked myself as I held her hair.
-My kids were quiet in the halls...also a first.
-I was called "mam" on several occasions.
-I am no longer scared of fourth graders....they are still cute.
As I was standing outside watching the kids play for recess, I couldn't stop smiling. I may not know why I'm here or what God has in store...I'm just thankful that I'm doing what I love.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Be Still and Know that I am God...
I have to admit...the transition has not been easy. I had a wonderful weekend with my parents and then on Monday was harder than I thought to say goodbye. Shouldn't it be easier this time? For some reason, it wasn't. I think it is because I already know what is to come...somewhat. I know some of the challenges I will face and know how much I will miss my family. But, even in this sadness...God gave me peace. Didn't change the fact that once I got in my bed the first night, reality hit, and all I could do was cry and pray.
For several days before and every day since I have been here, I have been hearing God say to me, "Be still and know that I am God." I love this verse, and for some reason God has reminded me of it countless times daily. There are a lot of things that I question about being back. And I did even more yesterday when I got a call for an interview at a school in youngstown. Everything in me wanted to jet out and go. But I knew I couldn' didn't seem right. I immediately started praying for wisdom and so did my family. Monday I had to sign my contract for the year because teacher training started Tuesday. When I looked into my contract more, I realized that it would be almost impossible to get out. From that moment my position as a fourth grade teacher at a different school was not a thought or a is what I am doing this year. It was good to have no more "what-ifs" out there even though the thought of my last chance of being home was now gone. Again, I heard God say, "Be still and know that I am God." I asked Him, "Why would You even allow Youngstown to call when You know how bad I wanted to be at home?" "Why did I sign my contract when I did?" And a million other questions. I don't know the answers just that I will rejoice in the Lord always because He is God!
Now that I have cancelled my interview, I have been able to emotionally and mentally accept my new teaching spot. I am happy. For some reason, God wants me here again. Why? Maybe I'll figure that out. But in the mean time, I am busy getting my classroom ready, and I have been thinking of every idea possible. I'm greatly looking forward to the next few days as busy as they will be. Even more excited about Thursday...a week from today...when I get to meet the kiddos that God has entrusted me with for this school year. I'm thankful that I don't have to be anxious about anything! HE is God!!! :)
So here is to round 2! :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
War is calling my name
I leave in about an hour with my parents to head to Atlanta for a cousin's wedding. On our way back, my parents will drop me off at my house in War.
It has been a similar summer to last year...a little less crazy thankfully. I have been waiting to hear about a potential job in the Youngstown area. There have been many mixed feelings as I love to be with my family and thought the job sounded pretty much amazing. However, that door was closed yesterday. All summer I have been dreading the thought of leaving my family again and trying to do life in War. Honestly, nothing in me wanted to go. But, I kept praying that I would listen and be obedient and that God would give me the peace that I needed. It wasn't until I was at Taylor last week and driving home on Tuesday that the peace I needed came. So, when I heard that I didn't get the other job, I was okay. I know from last year that God has this all worked out. And I have to admit that there are several things I am excited about with returning to War. I'm excited to see those amazing people God blessed me with as friends. I'm excited to see Barb and Jerry...our landlords/neighbors. I'm excited to have a paycheck...yeah...big time. I'm excited to teach again. I'm excited to start new and be ready for the kids the first day instead of vice versa. And I'm most excited to see what God is going to do!
So...the next time I write, I will be in War and be preparing to start my 4th grade classroom.
Please pray for the transition with leaving my family again (this year is harder since I've become so attached to my lil nephew). Also, please pray as I set up my classroom and start at a new school this year. I am trying to remind myself to "be anxious for nothing." God is in control, and I am certain of that!
Friday, July 23, 2010
An Update...well kinda
Basic update= I've been at home since the middle of June. This time has flown by! I've spent a ton of time with my amazing family...especially my lil' man (my nephew). It has been so wonderful to be a full time aunt again! I love it!! He makes my heart :)
Job update= Don't have a clue. It is complex at this point, so I'll leave it at that for now. Stay tuned.
This summer I spent a little over a week with some friends from Taylor in New York City. One of my best friends and I were talking while there and she told me that she has been learning to find herself. At first, I tuned out. But then I realized she was talking about something deeper. The number one question this summer has been "what are you doing now?" I really don't know the answer to that...and man is it hard for me to say, "I don't know." Because I don't know and feel insecure, I started to take my friend 's advice. Take away everything that I know. People keep telling me, "You have to do what makes Amanda happy." My answer has come down to a simple follow what the Lord has for me. That is when I am the happiest and most content.
So I have been trying to take away pieces of myself that has become my profession as a teacher...graduating from own desires...
As I remove these things in my head, I want to see what is left. Is it a girl who is craving the Lord and following His steps? Still working on is hard for me.
Well, this coming weekend I am heading to Indiana to meet up with my bestest...LB...and then we are going to Chicago to spend some QT together after a long year of craziness and living in different states for the first time since 7th grade. I miss her and I miss my friends. So, after we get back from Chi-town...I'm spending a few days around the Taylor area and catching up with friends. I cannot wait. I think I am going to work on packing now. :)
Here are just three pictures that sum up quite a lot from this summer...more to come.
Taylor reunion #1: Amanda and Dauthan's wedding.
The friends that God blessed me with while in War, WV
Saturday, June 26, 2010
A Year in War
I would love to be able to tell you where I will be next year; however, I have absolutely no clue. All I know is that God knows, that He is faithful, and that I will wait and trust in Him. I've applied to the three states in which I hold teaching licenses and am willing to go wherever God leads me. Please pray that I will listen to His voice and direction.
Before I left, I was asked to write a reflection of my year in War. It was a great way for me to think about what God has done in an overall perspective instead of just day by day. I thought that I should share it with all of you, so if you're interested....follow the link!
Thank you so much for all of your prayers and encouragement this past year. It was by far the most difficult year of my life, and I know that God put people like you in my life to lift me up and continue each day.
Much love.
The biggest thing that God has taught me this year through my experience living and teaching in War, WV is that God is faithful to meet my needs. I have known this my whole life, but starting my life on my own for the first time, I got to experience this faithfulness personally. From finding Laura, my roommate, to a car, to Christian landlords, to amazing friendships and a Bible believing church—God has met my every need. This doesn’t mean that living in War has been easy. Honestly, some days I feel like it has been literal war. There have been days that I’ve wondered what I’m doing here and why God led me here to a place that is seven hours from my family and feels like another country…especially when I am hand drying my clothes, driving over thirty minutes to a store or cell phone reception, and constantly being asked if these are my real teeth! However, God has continued to confirm in my heart that He has led me here. He has given me a peace that I am right where I need to be even if it isn’t easy. Through these times He has reminded me that His grace is enough for me. That is all I need. And that is what He has given me—enough to take one day at a time in His hands and not my own. He knew that I was not strong enough to endure this all on my own, and He has kept me on my knees. I am so thankful for this because it has brought a new dependence on Him.
At the end of October, I walked into a room of 18 second and third graders that had been sitting and goofing off for two months with a substitute who told me, “Good luck; these kids cannot learn.” She went on to point to the kids who were behavior problems and then pointed to one of my second graders. She told me that he often put the desk on his neck and would try to kill himself. Then she left. I was told that I would have help that entire first week and to just observe. No one came; so I hit the ground running. I knew that I had my work cut out for me starting late, having a classroom full of behavior issues, and being a first year teacher. Even though I was overwhelmed, I came in very confident that I was going to change things. Quickly God showed me that I had to rely on Him not only every day but almost every second in my classroom in order to survive.
I asked God for His eyes and His heart, and He has given that to me. During these past eight months, I have grown to love these kids like my own. I ended the year with 22 students as they come in and out from home to home. They each have a story that will break your heart, but under each of their anger and pain is a soft heart that is screaming for love and for structure. I honestly don’t know how much they will take away from this year academically, but I know they will leave knowing that their teacher loves them and believes in them.
Being very inquisitive children, they have asked me a million questions throughout the year. A lot of these have been about who I am as a person. They immediately saw a difference. It could have been my full set of teeth or my northern accent, but I know that it was more than that—it was God. They didn’t understand at first why I didn’t yell and why I’d never tried drugs or why I didn’t have babies even though I wasn’t married. They would often say, “Miss Marshall, you’re crazy.” Through these times, God gave me countless opportunities to tell my kids why I live the way I do and why I have joy. Once I even shared the whole Gospel. There were a few times when my kids even asked to pray in my class. I know that God worked in this little room where a group of kids thought that they were extras and unloved. He loved them enough to send a sheltered girl from
I know that I serve a big God that is mighty to save. The children and the people of McDowell county need to see that there is hope and light instead of darkness and despair. I am so thankful that God has allowed me to be a missionary to this area through teaching. It is exciting to know that God is not finished here. He is the God of this city.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Break my Heart for What Breaks Yours...
I am sensitive and feel other's hurts...
I want to change things and make things easier...
I want peace...
Today I am reminded of my Father and how His heart must break constantly for His children. My prayer since I have been here this year has been to give me the eyes and heart of Jesus. Not that I am to that point, but I believe God has allowed me to feel some of that pain. I'm thankful, humbled, and broken.
This afternoon I had a meeting with the parents of one of my students. This boy is very behind in all academic areas, and I am trying to get him some extra help that I feel he needs. I should first mention that I know that he has a rough home life. He is constantly asking for any type of food, his clothing is usually not the cleanest, and he is socially behind in many skills. Also, about two weeks ago I met with his grandparents...who he lives with. During that conversation, they belittled him in front of me. The word "dummy" came up several times. Needless to say, I could easily see why my little guy is so frustrated and constantly tells me that he is not smart and can't do his work. Well, today I met with the mom and her live-in boyfriend. When introduced, she said that she had already met me...which was not true. Then, she asked me if he was in third grade. Wow. The school has paperwork that the parents must fill out in this process, and some of it they could not read. One part asked if he was retained before. They didn't know. I was overwhelmed....this is his mother...who wants custody back. She went on to tell me that I should just sit this boy by himself and punish him if he doesn't do his work. It was the first time that I felt like I was able to fight for my kids in a parent meeting. I knew that I had my principal's support, so I explained what I thought. I told them how I thought he was discouraged and just needed people to believe in him. Yes...he does need extra help academically. However, he needs a lot more than learning his basic facts. I left the meeting upset that some people are parents. Later, I talked with this student and found out that this boyfriend of his mother's hits him and kicks him. He told me that he hopes he doesn't have to go back home with them.
I am at loss for words most days when I hear something about my kids. This is just one story out of 22. Some days I think, "God, why would you put such a sheltered girl like me into a room full of kids that experience hell on earth daily?" I still don't know why fully. I just know that I'm called to love them. I do. So much that it hurts.
There are only fourteen more days of school left with my little ones. I have to admit that I am relieved to be done with all of the behavior problems that come with my job. However, I will miss them like crazy. My prayer is that God would continue to open opportunities for me to share my faith with them. I am so thankful that He has already made this possible numerous times this year. They know who I am and why I am that way. They know that I have hope. I want this for them! Please pray for my kids and that God would replace the anger and hatred they feel with love.
Even though their lives seem like they can't change and that there are so many things against them...which there are...God is bigger! He is not willing that ONE should perish. He is full of compassion and love. He can move mountains and change a heart of stone. So thankful tonight that I have a God who is mighty to save!!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Grace Like Rain
This week ended okay. I took a sick day yesterday so that I could go to the doctors since I am sick of being sick. It has been almost 5 weeks that I've had this cold, and it does not want to go away. Well, now I am on a strong hopefully that will do the trick. Last night as many of you Ohio people know....the CAVS played game 6. This game I knew would be a big deal, so I didn't want to miss it. Since we don't have a TV, Laura and I decided to drive to Bluefield in hopes of catching the game somewhere....well, I don't know how much Laura was hoping for that! ha! On our way there, I got stopped by the police. I was speeding. I honestly didn't know that I was since I thought that the speed limit was different. Who knew there were cops in War anyways? This was the first time that I've been pulled over, so I was hoping that I would get a warning...nope. Well, this basically threw me into a mess, and I thought about what the heck the Lord is trying to show me. It seems like Satan is trying to attack me in every area of life. I find myself saying to the Lord daily, "seriously?!?" I cannot believe all of this most days, and it seems like things just keep piling on. Well, after I calmed down a little, we got to watch the game at Applebee's and then at Sara's house. Unfortunately, this did not have a good ending. I could not believe how upset I was. No matter how many times I kept telling myself that this was just a game, I couldn't help but take it so personal. Yes...I even did shed a few tears. Ridiculous, I know! Last night we did not deserve to win. However, I know that we are a team that has the ability to play AMAZING, and last night was c.r.a.p.! So, we will now wait and see what happens next year. I am really hoping that Bron Bron stays! I love these boys and their sense of unity. I am also sad that I have to wait a long time to see my boys play again. There is always next year....I still love them!
So...yeah...last night was rough.
And at school was rough and my kids were driving me crazy with their behavior and lack of respect. BUT....God has flooded me with His grace. It shows up EVERYWHERE!!! I'm so thankful for that today! :)
Monday, May 3, 2010
When I don't know the right words to say
I have been doing a lot of soul searching. I believe I have mentioned before in my blog that I have always dreamed of teaching. Now that I have reached that dream, I feel somewhat like I don't know what else there is. Not that teaching is not enough, but I don't feel like that is the only thing that God has called me to. Actually, I am quite certain of that. As many of you know, I felt called into full time ministry in 2004, when I was a junior in high school. Since then, I have been trying to walk obedient in God's will. This year God has truly opened my eyes in ways that I cannot describe. First of all, I now do not feel just a heart for overseas missions like I did before. God has allowed me to witness a close to home mission field. Also, I have continually prayed since I've been in WV that God would give me His eyes and His heart for these people...especially my little ones. Well, praise be to God! He has done this. My heart has been broken over and over for these kids. However, I have recently been struggling with what the next step is. They know who I am and that I love them very a different way. Lately my heart has been saying that isn't enough. I've been praying about what this next step is and whether or not that involves staying another year or not.
My heart is at this point full of uncertainty...well about everything except for being certain of God and His love. God has lead me to War this year for a reason. Some days I can understand that purpose more than other days. So, now I am trying to ask Him if this was a one year thing or if I am here for the long haul...(which means at least another year). Honestly, the thought of another full year here is more than my mind and heart can bear. But God will give me the strength to get through one day at a time if that is His plan. The past few weeks, I have sought God on this and asked for clarity. All that I feel like He has made clear to me is to TRUST and REST. There are still no job postings at the school and there are many things here in my life that are in question. So, even if I wanted to, I couldn't make a clear choice at this point. But, I want to. My personality that clings to order and stability wants to know. Through these past few weeks, God has reminded me of many decision points in my life. In each of these, He has come in the eleventh hour. And in each of these, He has made the decision crystal clear and closed the other options. So....I am currently reminding myself that I am to cast my cares and worries on Him and not try to figure this out. I will be doing my part the best I know how....I will apply to any spots here that come up and also to ones at home. At this point, my heart is not feeling led anywhere else. So I will wait for Him. Did I mention I sometimes stink at that?!? Please pray for me!
Also, lately my heart for overseas missions has been stirred once again. I still don't know to what extent or how or even when overseas missions will play in my life...but it has to be there. It is my passion. My heart beats and feels purpose when I hear about passages like Matthew 25 or think about the world and its need for Jesus...for hope. I've been searching lately for God's heart on the lost people. The pastor that I am currently sitting under believes in predestination. I am greatly struggling with this and with other issues. I believe that God is all knowing and all powerful. He changes a heart of stone. I've been wrestling with a lot of questions lately. Why does He choose to change some hearts and not others? Will those who have never heard be held responsible? Well, I don't know exactly how I feel about these. But I'm continuing to search. What I keep finding is that I serve a compassionate warrior. He is full of love and full of justice. He is not willing that one should perish because He created each person in His own likeness. That to me solves the question of predestination. As far as the questions about those who have not heard. The Great Commission is huge. It is for ALL believers. Also, Acts 1:8 reminds us that we are to go into all of the world with the Gospel. One of my favorite parts of scripture is in 1 Corinthians 9...when Paul tells us that we need to lose ourselves and do what we need to for the sake of the Gospel and that others may share in its blessings...its HOPE. In my heart, I believe that Jesus made us disciples and followers of His for more than what our minds can comprehend. We need to be more than "examples" to those around us. He wants to use us in mighty ways for His glory. I want to be used and sent where He wants me. I am so sick of myself and my emotions and attachments to this world coming in the way of His plan. I do believe that all will be held responsible. So Christians...we MUST wake up! There are people in front of us and millions of miles away that need Jesus. WE (me at the top of the list) must put ourselves last and remember that this life is but a vapor. I long to be filled with purpose daily...of who I am spending eternity with.
I am thankful for this time of searching. I believe God is with me and wants to show me more of Himself. But that doesn't mean it isn't difficult and sometimes painful. It involves me letting go more and more of my control. That is truly what I want though. I want more of my Father. I want to be the woman that makes Him smile.
Speaking of smiling...I should tell you about this weekend. Mom and Dad came to War to visit and to meet my kiddos. They got here on Saturday when they got to meet all of the friends that God has so richly blessed me with this year. We all had a wonderful dinner together in Bluefield. Then, Sunday was Mother's Day. I cannot tell you how thrilled I was to spend the day with my mom on this day. It was the first time in 5 years that we have been together because of college. What a joy to praise Jesus side by side. Her life means so much to me. I attribute who I am as a woman and who I am in the Lord to my mother. Her faith in God and her daily example to me challenges me to be the woman that God created me to be. She is my hero, and I cannot thank God enough for giving me my best friend. I love you, Momma! On Monday, Mom and Dad spent the day with me in my classroom. I think that they were a little shocked at what they saw. But they fell instantly in love with those kids like I have. They were a huge hit with my kids, and I know that they will be the talk of the class for the remainder of the year. One of my boys said to me,"I can see where you get your looks because your Mom is hot." I set him straight that she is beautiful! Oh, and two different people thought we were sisters this weekend. And, one of my boys also didn't think that they could be my real parents since he thought they looked so young. Besides the fact that they are too cute....I am so proud to be their daughter. Their love and support for me overwhelms me. They headed back home this morning, so I guess it is back to reality for me. The long haul isn't so long anymore. I will be home very soon. Thank you so much Mom and Dad for spending your time, money, and energy to love others. It means so much to me, and once again I am filled with thankfulness.
Well, I figured that I would end with a little more specific updates from my classroom lately.
I'll start with...thank You, God for getting me through the past two weeks...the longest and hardest ones that I've faced this year. Here are some of the rough spots from the past two weeks:
-I had the "b word" (as my kids would say) written with marker on my desk chair. I was furious!
-I had a kid get in my face and scream at me, followed by him throwing a chair.
-My special education boy that I was helping at his desk, tried to cut my hair. Thank goodness for dull kid scissors!
-I have not been able to kick this cold since Easter, so many days I have almost lost my voice and felt miserable during the day.
-I have had several parent meetings that seem to not be getting anywhere with regards to their kids' behavior
-My kids' behavior is starting to get out of control with the warmer weather, and I've left many days feeling like a failure due to the lack of learning happening.
-I broke my little toe by accidentally running into the door I don't know if running will be in my near future plans.
So...God has still been faithful, even in the rough times:
-Gigi is fixed after 2 months of having her parked and is running great (that is my car)!
-Most days have been full of beautiful sunshine
-God has reminded me of His love daily
-I have some amazing friends
-I am blessed beyond measure!
-I got my first Mother's Day card from one of my students who thanked me for acting like a mom to her. heart was touched.
-I have been able to watch most of the CAVS games!!
Please pray that I would continue to seek Jesus' face in the midst of many upcoming decisions. Pray that I would finish this last month of teaching being more than a teacher. I ask that you would pray that God would bring His clarity to His timing. Please pray that I would accept that and be obedient while I wait. Thanks for once again listening to my heart. It means so much to me!
Much love.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
It's Been Awhile
I guess I'll start by saying that I had a wonderful spring/Easter break at home in O-H-I-O with my family. During this time, I spent half of the break chasing around a seventeen month old that brings amazing joy to my life. Dylan is no longer a little baby...he is a busy little man. He wore his aunt out after several days of running around, but I cannot get enough of him and his precious smile. We are so blessed to get to have him in our lives! I am greatly looking forward to this summer when I can be a full-time aunt! :) Other than time with my Dilly Bar, I got to watch some good movies, relax on the couch, watch the CAVS play, and be surrounded by my favorite people in the world. Pictures will be coming soon! :)
So, I'm back in War. I feel like I am, too. I had a really tough time leaving home this break knowing that I was coming back to such a difficult position. It is a daily struggle to keep positive and keep my energy up. With my own strength, it doesn't work. And I truly believe that is why things aren't as good as I know they could be. I am leaning a lot on myself and my abilities and sometimes forget that it is ALL about God and that without Him I am nothing. I have been hearing Him say a lot this week, "Less of Amanda and more of ME!" Each day this week I have went in with a smile and tried to challenge and love these little ones. Well, today I think I failed. I should probably back up to the fact that I am pretty sick with a cold in my lungs. Thanks Ohio for snowing a random day during break! I still love you though! Anyways, today I felt miserable, and I probably should not have even been at school. Well, I asked the kids to help me out today since I was feeling so crappy...and they didn't. In fact they were absolutely wild. After coming out of a meeting at the end of the day to find that three of my kids were in fights during music, I was done. Hardly anything academic got done today because I couldn't get the kids to get on task. I felt all day like a failure. Once the last kid left I just broke down. Some days are just too much. There is so much heartache in my classroom, and they act out because they are screaming for attention. I realized when I calmed down that I'm not even upset at the kids and their behaviors...I'm broken for them. And I don't know how to help. Days like this I feel so inadequate and wonder why God brought me here. I asked Him that today. I only have 37 more days of school and my kids are still acting like this. Why God? What have I done for You by being here? I honestly don't know the full answers to these questions, but God did remind me that love is powerful. That LOVE conquers all. But why is that sometimes not enough for me?
Today I was reading in "My Utmost for His Highest" and Chambers said that God often makes things tough for us so that we can be in fellowship with Him. Then, when we get to the tough part, we start complaining and whining. This is me.
(When I was at home with my family, things were comfortable and familiar. I know how to succeed at home. I realized at the end of the break, that I pushed my time with God almost out the window while I was home. It made me so upset at myself because when I'm in War I can't live without Him. I crave His word and our daily time together. Why do I fool myself by thinking I have things under control the moment I step back into comfort? I'm glad that I had this realization now before I got home for summer....or this could be very dangerous. )
Anyways...back to today's the midst of our complaining, we wish that we were like others...without the burden. However, God gives those He loves burdens to that we can give them back to Him and become more reliant on Him. Some just understand this concept better and don't complain but see only the joy of the Lord. These people still have burdens, we just don't see them...we see Jesus. This is who I want to be. Inside I am complaining loudly...GOD....WHY AM I HERE?!?!? I COULD BE AT HOME WITH MY FAMILY AND TEACHING IN A SCHOOL WHERE KIDS CARE ABOUT SCHOOL AND WANT TO LEARN!!! WHY WV GOD?!??! YOU PICKED THE WRONG GIRL FOR THIS JOB...IT IS TOO HARD!!!! And today God told me to give Him this burden and to STOP complaining. God is longing to be closer to me, and I am pushing Him away by not accepting what He has given me. So silly huh? Especially when He promises to give us what we need. I thought of Moses and how He kept telling God that he wasn't the man for this job. But, God saw otherwise. He knew that He would give Moses everything that he could possibly need. He knew that he wanted an ordinary man to do something would give Him more glory. Well, this is my class. It is a huge task...not obviously like freeing the Israelites from bondage of course...but it is more than Amanda can deal with! So, I am trusting once again tonight that God is in control and that He has me with these kids for a reason.
Please pray that I can get rid of the pride that I have. I want so much for these kids to learn. Sometimes I think that I get caught up in what other teachers and the administration see me and my class as...crazy. I take it really personal. Why should I care what they think? Pray that I think about the best interest of each of my kids. Also, please pray for the final burst of endurance. 37 more days to go, and I want to finish strong! Finally, please pray for next year. I am trying to take one day at a time, but I know that next fall is not that far away. At this point, I am praying about whether not to apply here for another year or not. I want God's will...and I want to be so in tune with Him that it is clear what He wants. Pray for listening ears for me.
Well, off to bed I go. Tomorrow I am taking my first sick day. I am greatly looking foward to the day with my bed and Jesus. :)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Reminders are Great
Check this sermon out if you have some time!
Click on 01-19-2009 sermon from Bryan Loritts, "Engaging the Less Fortunate"
2009-01-19 | Pastor Bryan Loritts, Engaging the Less Fortunate (Matt. 25:31-46) |
2009-01-19 | Pastor Bryan Loritts, Engaging the Less Fortunate (Matt. 25:31-46) |
2009-01-19 | Pastor Bryan Loritts, Engaging the Less Fortunate (Matt. 25:31-46) |
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
May the Road Rise up to Meet You and the Wind Always be at Your Back
That was the good part of the week...the rest has been gross. It has probably been one of the longest weeks ever...and it is only Wednesday! I am praying that I make it to Friday in one piece. My kids were wild Monday and have been a little better the past two days...obviously excited about today's festivities. But there is also a lot on my mind besides my kids which sometimes unfortunately comes with me into the classroom. The topper today was at the end of the day while we were all cleaning up. I had brought in my laptop and external hard-drive to show the kids a video of me Irish dancing in Ireland. The day was almost over when I heard screaming. Just then I saw my laptop fall to the floor along with my hard-drive. I went running, but I didn't make it in time. I saw that my laptop looked okay which I was thankful for. Then, I noticed that my hard drive was deformed and looked broke with other pieces from the inside now on the floor. I instantly just started crying realizing what this meant. I just bought my current laptop this summer, so all of my pictures from overseas, college, and the past 5 or so years are backed up on that only. All I could think about was that they were probably gone. The kid who bumped the stand holding the equipment is probably one of the sweetest boys in my class, and I know that he would never do it on purpose. So, I tried to stop crying since I know he felt bad...but that didn't happen. The kids were quieter than ever before and sat in their desks without a whisper till their buses were called. When they all left, I checked the situation out, and I think that things are okay. The hard drive seems to still have my information on just looks messed up. That will work! So, I am praying that my pictures are all really there still and damage only occurred on the outside. I calmed down some after this, and Laura and I stopped at our little grocery store in War on the way home. In there was the little boy who knocked my things down. I was so happy to be able to tell him that everything was okay. He then found me and said he wanted me to meet his grandma who he is living with. She was precious and told me that this little boy came home in tears and said, "Grandma, I did a terrible thing today." He told her what happened and then said, "and then she started crying and I about died inside." When I heard this, I almost started crying again. I explained why I was so emotional and apologized for my reaction. I am so thankful that I had this chance to tell him things were okay right after so that he wasn't worried all night...and also his grandma. She said that she was prepared to write me a check to replace whatever was broken. So soo soo cute and sweet. God is good even in the midst of craziness! We almost didn't stop...but the Lord determines our steps!
Oh...and I got ANOTHER new student today...a second grader. So, I am now up to 22 little ones. My room is getting smaller and the noise is increasing!!!! Also, I have heard rumors that he is a wild one. Honestly, I can't take much more in this class with the different behavior issues. After talking with his aunt...he is another student with much hurt. Pray that he would be one that would adjust quickly in my classroom and be obedient. I know that God is with my little class and that He is in control! Pray that I would continually look to Him for strength. I don't have enough of my own. I am wearing thin. Please also pray that the distractions of life would not get in the way of what God has for me here with my students.
Thanks for reading my rambling thoughts once again. I appreciate each one of you and your prayers!!!! Much love! :)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Rubbin Shoulders with the Mayor
Well, on to today's highlight...conversation with "Fred." I bet that you wish you could meet this kid by now! :)
We are in the hallway on a bathroom break and Fred is standing on the wall waiting patiently. Then, he says hi to a girl that walks by and smiles. I ask him if that is one of his cousins (since the whole school is related). He said, "That's Lanae, my girlfriend." "Oh! Isn't she a little old for you, Fred since she is in middle school?" I asked. Fred smiled and said, "The older...the better!" I just started cracking up. Then, he went on to tell me how Lanae even kissed him on the lips and would love to marry him. His response, "I may have to wait least a few days." :)
I felt prayers today as my kids were a little better behaved and just more joyful. It was a great day, and I really felt the sense that they are growing as students today. God is good, and thank you for your prayers!!! Nothing is impossible with Him!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Too Tired to Think of a Title
Well, this past Friday my roommate and I jumped in Gigi and headed up to Ohio for a random visit to my house to cure some of the homesickness that was creeping in. It was such a wonderful weekend!!! My entire family was home and off of work which was perfect. I got lots of hugs and laughter in. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it...but I love my family a whole lot!! Oh...and I was reminded about another fact to tell you about my life in War. We only have four stations...seriously. It wasn't till I was in Ohio that I realized that each time I changed the station, there was something there. :)
So, my little Dilly Bar...aka my nephew growing like a weed and absolutely precious. I cannot resist his smile. And he is running around everywhere now and a constant burst of energy. I think that my favorite new development of his is he and Lexie's friendship. They are precious together! I love that silly dog even more now that I see what she puts up with! :) He chases her, jumps on top of her, tries to ride her, and even tries to kiss her (which looks more like biting her). But a positive for Lexie...Dylan is starting to figure out that he can share his treats with her.
On Sunday afternoon, Laura and I started our journey home. Thankfully, I will be seeing my family again in a month, this time for a leaving wasn't as difficult. After a long drive and a quick but full weekend, I was exhausted. We were almost back to War when I hit a pothole on the side of the road. I figured right away that I may have messed up my alignment since it hit pretty hard. Well, not long after, I heard the thumping start....louder and louder. Did I mention that it was 10pm and pitch black on a mountain road. Oh, and I have no cell reception of course. And...I've only watched a tire being changed, but I wouldn't know even where to start on my own. I knew that soon I would ruin my rim if I hadn't already, but I thought that there was one more little gas station left. I was right! It just happened to be the little shady "pop stop" that Laura and I always say we will never go to. Well, never say never. I went into the shop after seeing my tire and asked if anyone knew how to change a tire. They all looked clueless. The high school girl at the register said that her cousin in the car would probably know. So, this kid gets out, and I just start rambling and asking him for help. Then, I realize that he is an 8th grader at our school and the brother of one of my little girls. So, he and then some other random boy with a very thick country accent started looking for a lug-nut bar. Well, my car didn't have one. So, the other boy goes inside, buys some tobacco, and asks some random guy buying a 12 pack if he could use his four wheeler to get the lug-nut bar. Pretty soon he's back, and the boys have the tire finished in no time. I thank the boys profusely and get back into my car. That's when I just break down and start bawling and tell Laura, "I just had two 8th grade boys change my tire. What if they aren't strong enough to tighten the bolts?" All these thoughts were running through my mind as I knew we had a good fifteen minutes of winding black roads ahead still. Well, after constant prayer all the way back, we made it safely back. After another good cry explaining things to my parents, I started to calm down....a little. I was super overwhelmed, but I know that God protected us and had His hand on us this night! He is good all the time!
Last night, we also had some excitement...but good excitement. My brother's girlfriend and her friend came down just to visit War and us for the night. Laura and I met them in Bluefield for dinner and then they followed us back on the windy roads....Nicole said that she felt like she was now ready to sign up for NASCAR. :) Then, we took them to our two stores...Dollar General and Rite Aid...many options. Yes...if you come to visit...I will show you a good time! ;) I was hoping that they would get to experience some McDowell accents, but things were a little slow last night. We had a great time, and I'm so glad that they came!
So today I go into school exhausted. We wonder why the kids aren't there, but we soon find out that our school has no water. Most schools would not make the teachers come, so I first had a bad attitude and just wanted to sleep so much. But, it was a great day to get things caught up in my room. And, the water is back I think tomorrow I should see my nineteen reasons to smile! :)
But now I think I need one thing...sleep.
Monday, March 1, 2010
The Devil Made me do It!
I love that Fred does know that Jesus wants him to be loving and a good kid! So many of my little ones believe that there is a God, but I think that with so much pain they don't see the love that He brings.
Please pray for these nineteen kids. Today one of my kids that has been struggling with fights in the classroom brought a knife to school. He told me about it, but why does he even have it? I know that this little boy is has a horrible life and is struggling so much. Pray for him!