Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Dear Santa
Today I also got my first Christmas present from one of my kids. She had a box all wrapped up and inside was an old stuffed animal and old blanket. Also, there was a bottle of shampoo from a hotel. Precious. I LOVE that she wanted to give me a present so bad that she searched her things. These are the moments that I absolutely live for.
One of my trouble making kids decided yesterday that he didn't want AnYtHiNg for Christmas and told me over and over. Today he decided that he would write something. So pretty soon he handed me a folded up piece of paper that said To: Santa and had From: his name. When I opened it up, it read, "Dear Santa, For Christmas I want to see my dad." Yeah...what do you say to that? Oh these little precious ones. I feel so sad that they have to deal with SO much at such a young little age.
Please pray for my kiddos. Tomorrow is our Christmas party. I am going to be reading about the meaning of the candy cane and talking about the true meaning of Christmas.
Thanks! :) Well, one week from now I will be HOME!!! YAY!!! I am really excited to spend some extended time with my precious family....including Lexie Lou and my little Dylan. :)
Monday, December 14, 2009
More than Students
Ugly Christmas sweater party!
So today I went into to school and things were the hard and frustrating. To be honest, there have been days when I sit and think that I cannot be a teacher and that I must be crazy. However, I am always quickly reminded why I am is so much more than a job. Each day with my kids seems to bring more ache to my heart as I hear more and more of their personal life beyond my classroom.
On Friday, my kids each got a shoebox from a Christian organization. I heard from other teachers that they were lame and just had some random hygiene things in them. Well, you would have thought that they were boxes of gold in my classroom. Each box had a Bible, some type of book, hat, scarf, gloves, toys, socks, and a toothbrush. They were modeling their new winter attire for me and prancing around the room at the end of the day. Side note....earlier that morning I had my kids sit down on the new reading beach blanket as I read them a story. I told them that they needed to take their shoes off in order to keep the blanket from getting really dirty each day. All of the kids listened and soon I heard, "Eww..." followed by "shut up and leave her alone." As I looked over, one of my little girls had white socks that appeared black with dirt. I quickly changed the subject and started reading. As I read, I noticed that she tried to pull her pants down some to cover her socks. This girl usually wears the same sweater each day. Part one of heart breaking!...Back to the shoe boxes. Well, later on, the kids again went on the blanket. While kids were taking their shoes off, I noticed this little girl switching out her socks for her new pair. Wow. Again my heart broke. What may seem like a stupid hygiene box to some is a treasure to others.
Today I found out that an old family friend's grand-baby died...only 2 years old. His mother wrote in a letter that through all of the pain of the loss and agony, she is so thankful that God chose her to be this little boy's mom...that she was the blessed one. Overwhelmed with this, I started thinking about my kids. I am so broken for these little lives. They are so much more than students. They are God's beloved. How his heart must break when they go home to unloving, abusive, and dysfunctional families. But how blessed am I that God entrusted me to get to spend the majority of the day just loving them.
God is continuing to remind me why I am here and to open my eyes to His hurting children. Today in my devotions I read about how God's mark of approval on our lives is the peace that He gives us. We know when we have surrendered and followed His will when we receive this peace. I am thankful for this peace in West Virginia. If that is not enough, I got a call yesterday from another school in Akron that I interviewed for. It was during the same time as my current job's interview. I soon found out that I was hired here and never did hear from the other school...until yesterday. They said that they lost a teacher and would love to welcome me to their team. Honestly, my first thought was HOME!!! Boo-ya!!! haha! Then I instantly thought of my kids and that there is no way that I would leave them. And that peace in the midst of frustration and challenge came again. My next thought was how awesome God was in ordaining my every move. That was one less obstacle to get me down here since they didn't offer me the job right away. Maybe I would have taken it. But God allowed everything to work together because this is where He wants me. I am so blessed tonight.
Please pray for my kids. Their stories are more than I can take but I know that God's shoulders are big enough. Pray that they would experience love in my classroom...a new kind of love. Praise the Lord for many many opportunities to share my love for God with them! Pray that this would continue as I incorporate the true meaning of Christmas these next few days. Pray that this Christmas maybe one of these little ones would have a new hope.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Funny Story of the Day
My class most days...was like a zoo. I was trying to get the kids to calm down and do math, so I told them to put their heads down and turned off the lights. Of course to some kids, that meant to get up and run around. There is one boy in particular who decided that it was time for hide-and-seek! So here I am checking each locker to find this a student. After about the third locker I just started cracking up at this situation. What?!?!? Some days I really think that I'm on the funny farm. I am thankul for laughter! :)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
For Such a Time as This
Thanksgiving....what a wonderful time! I was so refreshed to go home and spend some quality time with my family. I needed this more than I even knew. Being a huggy person, I have not had my fix of close proximity with many people since everyone here is still somewhat new. So, I made sure to fill up at home with lots and lots of hugs and kisses! Lexie Lou helped me out with this, too:
So that is my Lexie...precious huh? :) Anyways, I also got to see my little nephew who is now ALL over the place!! He is hilarious and so much fun! I had to keep reminding myself that I will be back in a few weeks, otherwise I would have had a much more difficult time saying good-bye to this little one.
I also went out shopping on Black Friday for about 9 hours...but not super early. It was a relaxing day of shopping with the fam. The rest of my break was spent on the couch with my family watching the Cavs or falling asleep during a movie. It could not have been more perfect! Here is a picture of how cute we all looked in our Cavs gear:
So as I was preparing to go home and while I was there, I could not help but think of my nineteen little kiddos that would be celebrating differently. It hit me so hard that I was escaping back to a family that loves me unconditionally and that is SO blessed and full of love. My kids don't have this no matter what day it is. While I was at home, I showed my family my kids' pictures and told each of their stories as I know them. Telling them about each kid, I finally just broke. Something about seeing repeatedly the brokenness that almost each one experiences was too much for me. I knew that most of them had difficult lives, but telling them all at one time was so hard. There are about four kids of mine that MAY live with both of their parents....that doesn't mean that they are in a good situation. The comforting part was being able to show my family their faces and know that they will now be specifically prayed for. As sad as I was, it also made me even more determined to be the light and hope that these kids so desperately need and some are craving. I know that God is up to something!
Tonight I decided to read from of my favorite books of the Bible. I did a study on this book last spring and really got a lot out of it, so I figured I would look at some of the key passages. I turned to chapter 4 where Mordecai is telling Esther that she needs to plead to the king for her people. Esther's message is...are you kidding??? I could die by going unannounced into his presence. I mean...he hasn't even wanted to see me in 30 days! Mordecai responds to her in verse 14, "For if YOU remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but YOU and YOUR father's family will perish. And who knows but that YOU have come to royal position for such a time as this?" I'm not royalty...
But this passage really spoke to me because if Esther did not speak for her people, she would be destroyed. She had to be selfless and come to the place where she saw the big picture...others' lives. She was an orphan girl brought up by Mordecai, her cousin. EVERYTHING played out perfect in order for her to become the queen because the Lord wanted her there and had a purpose for little Hadassah. This was her time...God had brought her there for a reason, and she needed to stop thinking and start acting!
I am sometimes so overwhelmed with the daily behavior issues that I can quickly get wrapped up in discouragement and not see the big picture...that the Lord has brought me here for this time. My aunt told my mom today that God must have a purpose for me being here because He has taken me all around the world but out of all of the places, He has planted me in War, WV.
Please pray that I can be like Esther, selfless. I want to love passionately and with my whole being.