Tuesday, September 28, 2010

No More Excuses

"Someday I will do this, Lord. I just need to....." Fill in the blank. I do...all the time.

Yesterday when reading Oswald Chambers', My Utmost for His Highest, I felt extremely convicted and awakened. The passage of focus was Luke 9:51-62.

Basically, Jesus was heading to Jerusalem...close to the time that He was going to be crucified. He, James, and John were going through Samaritan villages (where there was a lot of tension at the time). The Samaritans didn't treat them well and James asked Jesus if He wanted him to bring down fire. Man...don't we feel like that sometimes? Lord, send some fire on that person or that situation because I don't want to deal with it anymore! I do.

As they walked further down the road, they came into contact with three different me. The first man said that he wanted to follow Jesus..."I will follow you wherever you go." (vs.57). Jesus knew his heart and basically was cold to him. At the first glimpse my tendency is to think that this is cruel and undeserving. However, God knew this man's heart. He knew that his intentions were not pure. Jesus requires more than lip service. The second man Jesus asked him to follow Him. He replied, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." The Lord responds again rather harsh and says to forget that and to do work for the Kingdom. The third man says, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back ans say good-by to my family." Jesus responds..."No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." WOW.

I find that I can relate to all of these men.

The first one...how many times have I said that I would do something but not had the right spirit or impure motives? The work of the Lord must be for His purpose and glory.

The second and third men....both give excuses. A father's death (or terminal sickness) and saying goodbye to family...valid excuses I think. Again Jesus knew their hearts. Maybe they did have the right motives, but maybe they were scared to take that next step. They didn't think that were ready. I feel that way a lot...and sometimes I don't realize that it is an excuse.

After reflecting on this passage, I started to think about the excuses that I have or am currently using from proclaiming the Kingdom. "I'm just a new teacher and trying to understand things still." "I love my family and shouldn't have to miss them so much. It must mean that I should live closer to home." "I am single and don't have anyone down here to help me. I'll do fill in the blank when I have a partner in ministry." "I probably need to finish my masters program before I worry about anything else." And my list goes on and on.

This passage opened my eyes really wide because Jesus is not messing around. When He calls us by name...we better listen and drop everything else. Does that mean that we should ditch the responsibilities that God has entrusted us with...no. But...we cannot use them as excuses. He has NO tolerance for excuses. If you have some time, read over this passage. There is a lot to it. And figure out what God is calling you to! Also, I encourage you to think about the excuses that you are making in life...even if they seem like really great things. They are there.

So...on a lighter note...

My class is still going super well. God has been great to give me patience and wisdom on how to start this year since I was very hesitant with my experience last year. Please continue to pray that my kids will see Jesus in me on a daily basis. Also, I have really started to connect with some of the teachers and look forward to continuing those relationships and sharing Jesus.


Christy Sopcisak said...

Amanda dearest! I am so happy to hear that your year is going well. Please know that I am praying for you and hope we can catch up sometimes soon Love you! The Lord has you in your place for such a time as this.

Christy Sopcisak said...

Amanda dearest! I am so happy to hear that your year is going well. Please know that I am praying for you and hope we can catch up sometimes soon Love you! The Lord has you in your place for such a time as this.