Monday, February 22, 2010

Very Thankful

Back to the grind today....Mondays. I had a really hard time waking up today since I've decided that sleep was not a necessity the past several nights. Well, I think it has finally caught up with me. However, this Monday was was an amazing Monday!

Last night I got together with the pastor that recruited us down here...we have now started calling it "underground church." :) Anyways, as always, I was really encouraged to again be reminded of the big picture and what God is doing. It is always so refreshing to be with other believers and to hear how God is answering prayer and right with us in this journey. Well, I was encouraged last night, but I was also really overwhelmed. My mind started filling with questions of "what if...". I know that God is in total control, and I'm thrilled that He is allowing me to join His team here in McDowell. But, sometimes the journey is scary and unknown. I went to bed remembering again that we have a BIG God.

So, today. I had an amazing day with my kids! Today I felt like a teacher, and man do I love that!!! Honestly, there are so many days when I don't. So, today was such a blessing. Like usual, my heart was challenged when I heard even more of one of my little girl's story. She was folding our blanket in the Reading Reef and said, "I'm used to doing this (folding) because I do it every day." She went on to tell her friend that she sleeps on the ground each night because there isn't a bed for her in her aunt's house. Her aunt currently has custody over her because her momma is in jail and who knows where her father is. She is so precious and has grabbed my heart from the beginning. There are not many days that go by that I don't hear something like this. It puts me back into reality and shows me that I have no clue what these little ones experience daily.

Anyways, I want to tell you something uplifting and why today was so wonderful. I keep a hand written journal and try to update it as much as possible. Today I happened to open it and see that my first entry was three years ago tomorrow...the 23rd of February. Time goes quickly. As I read my first entry I was amazed at how things can change in a short amount of time. Most of all...How great God is! Tonight I am overwhelmed by His faithfulness and mighty power. Three years ago tomorrow I was a hurting girl and going through the biggest storm of my life. Now, I look back and see how my loving God has brought healing and total joy. He has been faithful and shown power and might that ONLY could come from Him. I am overflowing with thankfulness tonight!!!

"Shout to joy to God, all the earth, and sing the glory of his name; give to him the glorious praise! Say to God, 'How AWESOME are your deeds!'....Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man....For You, O God, have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried...yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance....Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul."

Psalm 66:1-3a, 5, 10, 12b, 16

Thank you for those of you who have walked through storms with me. I know that God put you all in my life for a reason, and I love you. Our God is mighty to save! Thanks for allowing me to share my joy tonight! :)

1 comment:

Christy Sopcisak said...

Thank You for your powerful message! It isn't amazing to see how the Lord has been working in our lives and continus to work as he molds us into his image. What a Truly Might God we Serve. I loved talking and hope we can do it again soon. What a differene you are making into precious lives! Love you!