Friday, October 31, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things...Magnum Bars and Digestives!

Today was my last real day of “holiday” even though I really didn’t deserve it after only one week of observation. I tried to write an update yesterday; however, it was one of those days that the internet just decided not to work…for four hours. After that, I finally gave up and went to bed.

Yesterday, Thursday, I went to school with Sheila to do some more planning. Scholastic book orders had come in. Who would have thought that they would even be able to ship these? Sheila and I organized all of the orders for the school. Parents buy a lot more than they did when I was in elementary school! We then went to the supermarket which is a cultural experience itself. I love riding around on the roads because it is like a roller coaster ride—full of suspense. After two weeks here, I have made some observations. Enjoy 20 random things:

1. Milk comes in powder and packages here. The powder comes in coffee cans with Arabic writing and the packets look like individual butter packets.
2. Flies are slower here. I think that they are not used to being swatted. Bri…they would have nothing on you! : )
3. There is a mix of the 19th century with the 20th century with living in the capital. This is especially true with the driving and roads. The 21st century is a long ways away.
4. Speaking of the 20th century, they created a bypass. Wow! It is hilarious to watch the people get on that! Everyone looks confused and cars are going everywhere. Also, bicycles ride on it, too. This cracked me up because it looks like a highway and then you see this twelve year old riding as fast as he can beside you.
5. There are no lanes on the few paved roads. You honk if you want someone to move over and look for any available space. Free space is anyone’s to claim.
6. Analogy….Sheep is to Ireland as Lizard is to Burkina!
7. You can have a whole conversation with “Se Va” because depending on how you say it, it means several different things.
8. Tampons are kitchen sponges.
9. Instead of step stoles in the grocery store to stalk the shelves, the men climb into buggies.
1o. Digestives and Magnum bars are here…I am one happy girl!!!!!
11. Everyday from 2-3pm is lunch and siesta time. I am starting to finally get used to this.
12. Commercials during a TV show is a new thing here. They still have hardly any…it’s awesome!
13. Women have strong heads and great balance, and they start this at a young age.
14. Whenever you are in public, people are ready to help you…and to make money. No one asks if you need help; it is an automatic thing. Some examples that I have experienced so far…man carrying my luggage and loading it at the airport, man cleaned our windshield at the light, men are always in parking lots waving you to a spot and helping you get out, and in the grocery store, they box your things and carry them out (similar to the states here I guess). They don’t expect a lot of money…just something. On the street, people will risk their life by jumping into traffic if they think they have a sale.
15. My feet may possibly be red forever.
16. Diet pop is hard to find and I miss Sprite Zero! Everything here is Coke products. Interesting enough…some man managed to find me Diet Pepsi but there is no Diet Coke. I am thankful for this…just thought it was strange.
17. Bills like electricity, water, gas, etc. are paid in person.
18. “No” is not a word in the Burkinabe vocabulary. They will always try to find a way to do something, even if it is not what you have asked.
19. Glitter scarves are the “new thing” in case you are looking to be in style.
20. Hannah Montana has managed to create a fan club even in Burkina.

Anyways, on to today…HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRI!! Today my brother is 27 years old. I wish I could be home to give him a hug and go out to eat with my family. But, I guess I will just have to make sure to find those lion teeth for him instead! Oh, and Happy Halloween! Only because I know the date do I know it is Halloween. Nothing here is decorated because only the American kids and a few others know about it. Today has also been a very productive day for lesson planning and writing papers. We had pasta and MAGNUM bars for lunch which was really good. Then, this evening I enjoyed a cup of tea with digestives. How wonderful!

Today was also the first day of the SIAO craft fair/festival that I have been greatly anticipating. Everything here shuts down early this whole upcoming week…schools, stores, etc. We are going tomorrow morning, and I heard that all of Burkina will be there. I can’t wait!!

Well, two weeks ago I was heading off of American soil. I am glad I am here. Thanks for your continued prayers and emails.

Sweet dreams! …Ok…real quick…I just have to say that today—during my siesta nap—I dreamt that I was on stage rocking it out with Backstreet Boys! What a dream! HAHA!